
Working as a team to achieve excellence and leadership and keep pace with the continuous development in the field of medical education and scientific research to raise the health level of Iraqi society


The mission of the College of Medicine University of Thiqar

The mission of the Thiqar Medical College is divided into three main areas

In the field of education –

Our mission is to educate and train qualified graduates with the appropriate competence to meet the requirements of human rights and Iraqi medical standards safely and effectively

 In the field of research –

Our mission is to contribute to the development of medical knowledge through research that keeps abreast of the evolution and changes taking place in the world

  In the field of health care –

Our mission is to provide a high level of health care to Iraqi society with ethical frameworks


Objectives of the College of Medicine- University of Thiqar summarized to  cover the following fields

the curriculum –

Developing and updating programs and courses offered by the College in proportion to

A – Contemporary scientific requirements through the follow up of the new systems of theoretical and practical teaching and laboratory

B – meet the health and development needs of the province of Thiqar in particular and the Iraqi society in general in accordance with the principles of medical ethics

C – Focus on the principle of student- centered education in terms of interactive study, stimulate analytical thinking, foster life-long learning and assess them by the student himself and the recipient of his services

D- To qualify the student for future work in public hospitals, rural hospitals and primary health care centers

(E- The  students must aware  of the major health problems, principles of community health promotion, and communicable diseases and preventative method at the personal and community level

student evaluation –

Evaluation of  the student according to the following criteria

A – identical to the objectives of the curriculum

B-Conform to the standards of evaluation and synthesis

C- To stimulate continuous evaluation

D- Based on the standard of communication skills and professional behavior towards patients and other members of the health care team

 program evaluation –

– we depend on representative student as well as  faculty opinions must be obtained regularly for each component of curriculum and evaluated by appropriate committee

– Review the results of the examinations as a standard basis for monitoring the curriculum

– Dependence on the future reactions of graduate students to evaluate their performance through questionnaires for graduates themselves and the health authorities benefiting from their services

  students –

A – Adherent to Iraqi regulations of admission policies with the absorptive capacity of the College and the availability of teaching staff

B-Provide student support services

-access to counseling services with well trained staff

– Access to medical services and vaccination services for infectious diseases

– Providing personal and professional development services to students by encouraging extra-curricular activities

 Staff –

A – To complete the lack of educational structures in order to reach the standard ratios compared to the size of students

B – Focus on the qualifications of recruitment and promotion of academic staff

C- To strengthen the relationship between basic and clinical sciences and between collage and hospital through holding seminars and involving health staff in teaching and research

D- training support and development involved all teachers and staff and also include teachers employed by hospitals and primary health cernters

  educational resources –

A-Physical Resources: To provide the necessary funds according to the budget allocated to expand the classrooms and provide the requirements of laboratories and modern educational means to keep up with the progress in the world in the field of education

B-Educational resources

1- Developing the paper library and virtual library and providing sources and diversifying them to serve the educational and research process

2 – Develop the unit of educational resources by the preparation of skill laboratories audio- visual aids and electronic network facilities

C – The clinical learning environment

 1 – the establishment of centers and hospitals in line with the expansion in the field of acceptance of students and corresponds to the official ratios of the number of bed of patients compared to the size of students trainees and with collaboration with the Department of Health and hospitals and training centers

  1. Preparing and developing educational hospital libraries in cooperation with the concerned authorities
  1. students welfare facilities must be provided for student study, sports and recreation

 governance and administration of the medical college –

 A-Provide the necessary resources to sustain the work of the educational institution in all its branches

B – Find effective ways to fully coordinate between the academic medical staff working in hospitals and other health institutions, leading to integration with the departments of these institutions to develop the services provided

  1. To find effective methods for interrelationship between the college, medical practitioners, cooperative health professionals and community health providers
  2. To provide the concerned bodies with a structured and updated schedule that deals with the relationship with the university

 Research –

A- Setting a time plan in the college in which all departments and specializations contribute

B- Updating the college journal according to Iraqi and international standards for publishing

C – Encouraging the international publishing of faculty members

D- Provide opportunities for students to participate in research activities

  continuous professional development –

A – The College writes a plan on (CME) and (CPD) known to the faculty and staff

B – ensures that faculty is participating actively in (CPD) through regular symposims, workshops and confirences

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