تعنوان البحثالنشرالتحميل
1Association of Anti-Coxsackievirus-B IgG With IFN-α,عالميDownload
2Autism spectrum disorders and electronic _ Biomedical ResearchعالميDownload
3Level of IgE and Leukotriene – B4 in Chronic TonsillitisعالميDownload
4Traditional cauterization among children in Bint Al-Huda Hospital in Al-NasiriyaعالميDownload
5Association of Anti-Coxsackie Virus-B IgG with AutoantibodiesمحليDownload
6Factors associated with uncontrolled type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in children and adolescents in Thi-Qar 2016-2017محليDownload
7The epidemiology of acute childhood and adolescent poisoning in Thi-Qar governorate (2013-2015)محليDownload
89 عدد المشاهدات

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