تعنوان البحثالنشرالتحميل
1High fistula in ano, treatments with CO2 laser, challenges, In Thi –عالميDownload
2hirspring ds in europian paperعالميDownload
3Incidence of early complications in laparoscopic total thyroidectomy VS open thyroidectomy using breast approach in simple multinodular goعالميDownload
5Sleeve gastric resection, rate of weight reduction, common early and late complications in GIT center of south of IraqعالميDownload
6The Etiological Spectrum of Obstructive Jaundice & Role of ErcpعالميDownload
7Breast Cancer in Thi-Qar 2018, it's determinants, histopathological presentation and six years' time trends, A comparative studyمحليDownload
8Case Fatality Rate, Determination and Causes of Death in Al Nassiriay Burn Center at 2015 and 2016محليDownload
9colonic cancer_incedance, patternمحليDownload
10Expression of Estrogen, Progesterone and Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptors in Breast Cancer in Al-NassiriyaمحليDownload
98 عدد المشاهدات

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