تعنوان البحثالنشرالتحميل
1Barkas correction of particle and antiparticleمحليDownload
2Approximate Formulas for the Stopping Power of Charged
Particles in an Electron Gas
3Bloch correction at high velocityمحليDownload
4Damping Effect on Stopping Power of Dicluster Hydrogen IonsمحليDownload
5Effect of the Tow Approximations of Lindhard on
Energy Loss Fluctuation (Straggling) of Diclusters
Hydrogen Ions at Low Velocities with No Damping
6Energy loss straggling for slow ions in an electron gas محليDownload
7Semi – Classical and WKB Approximation of Phase ShiftمحليDownload
8Semi classical approach of stopping ionsمحليDownload
9Stopping power and phase shift for slow ions in an electron gasمحليDownload
10Stopping power of dicluster hydrogen ion in solid targetsمحليDownload
11The Sputtering of Target by Charged Particles and Energy
Spectra of Sputtered Atoms
12Investigation of natural Radioactivity concentration in leaf part of some medicinal herbs used in IraqعالميDownload
13Transition from Classical into Quantum Theory
for Calculating the Stopping Power of Charged
92 عدد المشاهدات

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