ت | عنوان البحث | النشر | التحميل |
1 | Barkas correction of particle and antiparticle | محلي | Download |
2 | Approximate Formulas for the Stopping Power of Charged Particles in an Electron Gas | عالمي | Download |
3 | Bloch correction at high velocity | محلي | Download |
4 | Damping Effect on Stopping Power of Dicluster Hydrogen Ions | محلي | Download |
5 | Effect of the Tow Approximations of Lindhard on Energy Loss Fluctuation (Straggling) of Diclusters Hydrogen Ions at Low Velocities with No Damping | عالمي | Download |
6 | Energy loss straggling for slow ions in an electron gas | محلي | Download |
7 | Semi – Classical and WKB Approximation of Phase Shift | محلي | Download |
8 | Semi classical approach of stopping ions | محلي | Download |
9 | Stopping power and phase shift for slow ions in an electron gas | محلي | Download |
10 | Stopping power of dicluster hydrogen ion in solid targets | محلي | Download |
إظهار 1 إلى 10 من أصل 13 مُدخل